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Campbell of Loudoun
Gaelic: Cambeul (Wry mouth)
Badge: Double eagle
English Motto: I bide my time
The origin of the Campbell name is thought to be both Celtic and Norman French. The Celtic source is from Dairmid O'Duine, called wry mouth, an Irish warrior chief.
The Norman connection is that Dairmid as a widower is thought to have travelled to France and married an heiress called Beauchamp whose name he adopted. The Latin of Beauchamp is Campobello and Campbell came from this. In the middle ages the Campbells became established in the Highlands and Hebrides growing into a major clan.
Loudon/loudoun (Beacon Hill) was in the possession of William Wallace's (1272-1305) family. Sir Ronald Crawford of Loudoun, a cousin to Wallace, fought in the early days of his campaign against the English for which he was executed at Carlisle in 1307. The Loudon lands were carried by an heiress to the Campbells, who also became Sheriffs of Ayr.
The tartan was first recorded by J Grant in The Tartans and Clans of Scotland 1886.

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