

Motto: Inspirata Floruit (It Has Flourished Beyond Expectation)

The Watson tartan was designed and manufactured during 1950 for the use of the Clan Watson Society.  The design appears to be based on the Gordon and Hunting MacRae.  Watson means literally ‘son of Walter’, a personal name taken from the Old German word ‘walter’ meaning mighty warrior.  The name was introduced into England at the time of Edward the Confessor, and rapidly became one of the most popular Christian names after the Norman Conquest.  Watson is therefore a contraction of the fuller form Walterson, a name still in common use.  

The name appears frequently in Scottish Records from as early as 1392 when one John Watson held land in Edinburgh.  The name was later borrowed into Gaelic as MacBhaltair.  In the 16th and 17th centuries the name was common throughout the Lowlands and indeed is still one of the most common surnames in the north-east counties.  MacWatt and MacWattie, Highland border names, were frequently changed/anglicised to Watson, and in Moray and the Black Isle, the forms Wat and Watt are commonly found.  

The name has also been very common in England since at least the beginning of the 15th century and thus there must have been many people of the name Watson who have no connection with Scotland whatsoever.  

All the major authorities give Watson as a sept of the Buchanans or the Forbes’, in addition they have also been associated with the MacFarlanes via one of their sept name MacWatt.  This is particularly so for those originating from Strathearn, Cromar, Glenbuchatt, Glenesk, Glenisla and Loch Lomond areas.  The Buchanan Society itself does not recognise Watson as a sept. 

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